For most people the word is applied to one celebrationin particular Christmas!
The definition of the word "holiday" reveals a religious element of which many people are unaware.
Christmas: " a religious festival;
Holy day:
Christmas is a religious holiday. Despite all the commercial trappings of the modern celebration, Christmas remains,at heart, a religious festival. It is a time when a deity is rememberedand honored.
Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus at Christmas time. They exchangegifts in honor of the greatest gift ever given.
They say, Jesus is the Reason for the Season" and speak of putting the Christ back into Christmas. The problem is, Yahushua the Saviour was neverin Christmas to begin with.
While Scripture does not supply the Saviour's birth date, most scholars agree that He was born in the fall, not December 25th To discover the god being honored at Christmas, it is necessary totrace its pagan origins.
Celebrations on December 25th began shortly afterthe flood with the birthof Tammuz as the reincarnationof Nimrod.
Today's Christmas traditions come directly from ancient Babylon and pagan Rome. The pagan Romans honored the god Saturn with a week long festivalin December called Saturnalia.
Saturn was the Roman god of time and of the harvest. So, he was usually depicted holding a scythe. He was the cruelest mostevil of all the pagan gods. He demanded child sacrifice.
The Romans were not alonein worshipping this evil god. Worship of Saturn was prevalentin the ancient world. Even the Israelites worshipped Saturn when in rebellion against Heaven.
The god Israel most frequently worshipped when in apostasy was the god Saturn, referred to inthe Bible as Chiun, Moloch or Rem-phan.
Even the Israeli tesoffered their children in sacrifice to this vile,blood-thirsty god. "Saturn had become the champion of African paganism[as well]...
Indeed as Baal-Hammonin Phoenician Carthage, he was the object ofchild sacrifice... Although a fertilitygod, Saturn-Baal... was nonetheless ruthless inthe sacrifices he exacted.
"Although the Romans quit offering human sacrifice early on, blood was still spilled by the gladiators during the Saturnali a celebrations in December.
Saturnalia was a religious celebration and all understood that the bloodshed by gladiators was a sacrificial offering to Saturn.
"The gladiatorial shows were sacred [to Saturn]."
"The amphitheatre claimsits gladiators for itself, when at theend of December, they propitiatewith their blood the sickle-bearing Sonof Heaven, [Saturn.]"
"The gladiators foughton the Saturnalia, and they did so forthe purpose of appeasing and propitiating Saturn."
Despite the violenceand blood shed, Saturnalia was time offeasting and merry making. The various ancient celebrations honoring this most blood-thirsty god have come down to today as the much-beloved Christmas traditions celebrated the world over.
These traditions include:
The 12 days of Christmas, treats left outin the evening, Christmas trees decorated with lights, these were originally candles made from the fat of the burned bodies of child sacrifice victims, Christmas treeshung with balls, anciently decapitated heads of sacrificial victims, gift exchanges, kissing underthe mistletoe, caroling from house to house (originally doneby naked singers engaging inlicentious behavior), "advent" candles, Christmascards and many more.
Even the imagery of Father Christmas or Santa Claus bears a striking resemblance to Saturn, an old man witha long beard, surrounded by children. Saturn, the evil child-sacrifice demanding old man, appears in modern societyin two more guises.
Every December, Saturn, the god of time, reemerges as"Old Father Time." Baby New Year is a symbolof the child-victim.
Notice that all of thecharacteristics of Saturn are in place, the scythe, the watch, as the symbol of time, and of course the child-victim.
A far more chilling representation of Father Time with Baby New Year can be found in this illustration from the19th century.
Father Time, (Saturn,as the god of time) is standing in frontof a large clock holding his scy the.
The old years are passing away as full-grown bodies wrapped in burial shrouds.
The New Year is comingin as a young child. While the pictureis quite dark, light from the fire is lighting the little boy while on either sideare swirls of smoke.
The new years still to come are portrayed as children ready to be sacrificed. Victims of child sacrifice were always heavily veiled so that their parents would not recognize when their child was burned.
All the grotesque elements of this hideous god are containedin this picture.
Saturn also emergesin modern society as the Grim Reaper, gathering in his bleakharvest of souls.
Very few in modern society have recognized that Father Christmas,the Grim Reaper and Old Father Time are none other than this mostloath some of all the gods.
However, an ancient would immediately recognize them all as being none other than Saturn. The emblems which identified Saturn are the same, which identify Old Father Time and the Grim Reaper: scythes and something to mark the passage of time.
There are many excuses given by sincere people today for clinging to pagan holidays honoring Saturn.
"Christmas is a wonderful time for spending with family. We're so busy through out the year. This is really our only chance to get together. Besides, Christmasis the only holiday that really focuses on Jesus."
"I know that Jesus was not really born then. I'm not deceived. Besides, I'm not worshipping any pagan gods so it's all right for me."
The pagans were ignorant ofthe Yahuwah, the Creator.They worshipped demon gods because they did not know any better. The same cannot be said of Christians today. Scripture teaches.
"The times ofthis ignorance, winked at, but now commandeth all menevery where to repent."
To know that Christmasis a pagan holiday, to know that the modernrituals are identical to the ancient paganrites that honored Saturn, and yet to claim exemption from sin because one knows, is extrem elyin consistent.
Christmas istruly a holiday, a religious festival. By honoring the evil god, Saturn, dishonor is givento Yahuwah, the Creator of heaven and earth.
The Saviour himself stated a divine principle when He said: "No man can serve two masters for either he will hate the one, and love the other or else he will hold to the one, and despisethe other. He cannot serve and mammon."
Saturn, more than any other false god, had attributes mostsimilar to Satan himself. Christmas is religious festival.
Participation in Christmas celebrations gives honor to this evil,satanic deity. The words of a loving Father to backsliding Israel resound with force for Christians today:
"Surely as a wife treacherously departeth from her husband, so have ye dealttrea cherously with Me, O house of Israel,saith Yahuwah, for they have perverted their way, they have forgotten. Return, ye backsliding children, and I will heal your backslidings."
Participation inpagan traditions dishonors the Creator. Return to your loving Redeemer.
"For what accord has Christ with Belial [evil]? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? And what agreement has the temple of with idols? Come out from among them and be separate, says.Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you."
Come out from among them! Do not touch what is unclean! Will you come out?
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