Hajj - the types of Hajj, and how to perform the Hajj:


Assalamu alaykum!
My brothers and sisters in Islam may Allah peace and blessings upon you all.

Bismillahir Rahmani Raheem, In the name of Allah most gracious most merciful welcome to our next topic: types of Hajj and complete rituals to perform during.The Hajj or simply speaking how to perform Hajj so let's begin.

Hajj - the types of Hajj, and how to perform the Hajj

The person who intends to perform Hajj has to decide which type of Hajj he intends to perform there are three types of Hajj, 

The types of Hajj:

ifrad, qiran and tamattu - 

let's discuss the first type of Hajj that is ifrad.

Hajj ifrad:

In this type of Hajj the person has to dunya or intends for Hajj only by saying the sentence labaik for Hajj he has to perform Tawaf al qudum and Sai for Hajj and needs to remain in a ehram until all rituals are completed no sacrificing of animal in this type of hajj.

The second type of hajj is Qiranin.

Hajj Qiranin:

This type of fudge the person performing Hajj does Niyah or intends for both umrah and hajj and one has to say the sentence labaik for umrah and hajj in this type one has to perform Tawaf elqudum and then sigh and then remain in a harem until 8th zilhajj and continue through the complete hajj rituals or rights he needs to sacrifice the animal.

For example: goat sheep camel or cow good and sheep for a single share and camel or cow for seven shares.

Now let's discuss the third type of Hajj Tamattu.

Hajj Tamattu:

In this type of Hajj one who is going to perform Hajj has to niyah or intends the ihram by saying labaik for umrah with release until Hajj in tamattu - after the Tawaf and the sai and cutting or trimming his hairone is released from the ihram and then on eight the day of zilhajj he has to put on ihram again and complete the Hajj. sacrifice the animal.

For example: goat sheep for single share and cow or camel for seven shares.

How to perform the Hajj:

Entering into Masjid al-haram for tawaf of umrah entering Masjid with right foot firstand then have to read the dua:

 "audhu billahil adhimi wabi wajihil kareemi wa Sultanhil qadimi min ash-shaytaan-i'r rajeem Allahummafatah Ali Ababwa rahmatik" 

The English translation of the two eyes I seek refuge in Allah the supreme and his noble countenance and his eternal authority from Shaitan the cursed one o Allah open for megates of your mercy after reading this dua.

You can go straight away to Kaaba for tawaf of umrah. Tawaf is counted as one round from "Hajr e aswad" also called as black stone to black stone total of seven rounds need to be done from Blackstone coming back to Black stone when completing one round or Tawaf you have to pause and say "Allah-u-Akbar"! 

And then continue until seven rounds while doing Tawaf,  he can do any dua or supplication. From the yamani corner to Black stone corner in each round one hasto recite a 

"rabbana athina fiddunya hasnatan wafil aakhirati hasnatan waqina adhaban naar". 

Means: "Our Lord give us in this world and Here after what is good for us and protect us from the punishment of fire". 

Hence one round of Tawaf is completed in this way. 

When reaching yamani corner, one has to say "Allah-u-Akbar" same as at Black stone in each round. After completing the Tawaf pray 2rakaats of prayer if possible behind "Makham-e-Ibrahim" or in any part of "Masjid-Al-Haram". 

In the two rakats, for the first rakat, you have to recite surah fatiha after surah fatihah you can recite surah kafirun and in the second record after surah fatiha you can recite surah ikhlas, the next stepis sai of umrah. 

After the completion of Tawaf the pilgrim has to go to sai at assafa for seven trips from safa to Marwa while beginning at sai at As Safa one hasto recite "inas safa wal marwata min shaa irillah". 

English translation of the same is indeed as-safa and al-marwah are among the symbols of allah. 

Then facing the qibla standing at Asafa make dua of praising allah "La ilaha illallah wahdahula sharika lahu lahul mulku walahul hum do wa hua ala kulli sha'in khadeer."

"la ilaha illa-llahu wadahu anjaza, wadahu wanasara abduhu wahadhamal adhhaba wa'ada" 

There is no god but Allah alone with no partner, His is the dominant and His is all praise and He is over all things competent.There is no god but allah alone He fulfilled his promise and supported His servant and defeated the enemy allies alone. One has to repeat these three times along with whatever he wished to make duaa. 

Now from Safa need to move to "al-marwah" and need to make duaa for once betterment for family members or whatever he wished for. Men has to run from one green marker to another green marker after that they can walk till Marwa then after reaching Marwa again facing the kaabah one can make du'a and then men can run between two green markers completing the two rounds that is from safa to marwah and from marwato safa one has to complete seven trips like wise after the completion of sairounds men can trim or shape their hairs women can cut finger length of their hairs. 

One is released from the Ihram as the Umrah is completed. Eight-day of Hajj also called as day of tarawia, on this day one who has intended for Tamattu Hajj has to put on their ihram again ifrad and qiran type of Hajj intendedare already in ihram, now all the three types of intended Hajj have to go to Meena before noon and at Meena they have to pray Dhohar, Asar, Maghrib and Isha.

All the prayers has to be done on the proper timings and the four rakats salah or prayers are shortened to 2 rakaats they have to spend the whole night there and pray fajr on the ninth day of zilhajj morning and after the Sun rises they can move to our Father while moving to our Father they need to recite the talbiya more and more

"Lebaik Allahumma labbaik, labbaik la sharika laka labbaykinnal hamda wan'niamata lakawal mulk la sharika lak"

Means:  Here I am at your service, O Lord! Here I am Here I am at your service and you have no partners you alone is all praise and all bounty and you alone is the sovereignty you have no partners. 

Also do lot of prayer and praising by saying "La ilaha illa Allah,Subhan Allah, Alhamdulillah, Allah-u-Akbar". Ninth day of zilhajj, 

The day of Arafah muslims need to remain in arafat until after sunset. Arafat day is one of the best-day in whole calendar year and without which staying and supplicating on this day Hajj is never completed on this day one has to hear the khudbah (Preaching).  

At after noon prayer, pray Dhohar and Asor over there, and it is shortened with one Adhan and two ikhama with only 2 rakaats and then one can enter into Arafat and make sure he is in the boundary lines. 

On this blessed day one has to abundantlyask for forgiveness from Allah with utmost humility, praise Him, and keep reciting the talbiya. 

After the sunset all the pilgrims moved to Muzdhalifa and pray Maghrib and Isha prayers, again shortened with one Adhan and two ikhama with 2 rakaats, spend the night over there praising Allah and thanking Him for all His favours upon us. 

Pray Fajr in Muzdhalifa and supplicate as much as you can and before sunrise leave the place and go to mina while reciting talbiya. 

Tenth day of Dhilhajj, After reaching mina one has to go to the largest pillar Jabratul Aqaba for stoning.

Throw seven pebble stones while saying "Allahu Akbar" for each throw. 

After that one has to recite the takbir for each, 

Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar La Ilaha Illallah, Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar walilahil Hamd." 

After the stoning for largest Piller one can shave or cut hairs, one is free from Ihram, after that one has to go back to Makkah (Kaabah) and do Tawaf Al Ifadah of seven rounds as described earlier and sai for Tamattu type of Hajj. 

11th, 12th, and 13th day of Dhul Hajj. 

The pilgrims should return to Mena and spend two to three nights in Mena before leaving during this time one has to stone the three pillars each day saying Allahu Akbar for each throw praise Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'alaa bundantly, and make dua. 

After that one has to leave Mena and do the fare well tawaf called as Tawaf al-wa'ada. 

But most importance has to be given for all requirements without which possibility might a rise that the Hajj might not be approved or completed. 

Hope you have learned the types of Hajj, and how to perform the Hajj.


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