Have you ever heard someone say, "If he's a Christian, I don't want any part of it." That reaction is understandable, but is it rational?
Should one believe in God, or in a particular church, based on the poor behavior of one who claims to be an adherent? And what is Christianity anyway? Is it a set of beliefs ? Is it a way of life? How can you know, and does it matter? A warm welcome to all of you from those of us here at. Today I'm asking and giving answers to the question, " What is a True Christian?and what others tell you about Him, with out reading what the Bible actually says ?. Too many people make Jesus in their own image, out of their own imaginations, rather than going to the source to learn about the real Jesus.
There is an assumption that all churches, calling themselves Christian, must be Christian. But, is this what the Bible tells us? Most of that, which attaches to it the name of Christ, is not Christian! Now don't take my word for it. Check it out for yourself! Consider what Jesus tells us in the Olivet Prophecy. His disciples came asking what would be the sign of His second coming and the end of the age. And here's His reply, Matthew 24: 4-5 ... Now some erroneously think when it says, "I am the Christ," that it refers to individuals claiming to be Christ. Now there are those individuals, but the context indicates many will use Jesus' name, claiming His authority, will say that Jesus is the Christ, but in the process deceive many. We see a second warning in verse 11 of this same chapter ...
They come from the very one on whom the name Christian is founded! The Apostle Paul gives a number of similar warnings. There are so many that I don't have time for them all, but here's one showing that false Christianity was beginning to infect the church of God at Corinth, and Paul chided the members for being so gullible. 2 Corinthians the 11th chapter and verse 4 ... Then in verses 13-15, He makes a statement that shocks some, but presents a challenge to all of us: Consider the implications! This tells us that Satan the Devil has ministers, and they don't call themselves as such. Instead, they represent themselves as ministers of righteousness, and in this context, ministers of Christ!
They preach a different Jesus, come with a different spirit, and preach a counterfeit gospel. As we see elsewhere, they are the many, not the few. And, many are deceived by them. And then, referring to the end of the age, there's Revelation 12: 9, where it says, The Bible reveals that not everyone who claims to follow Jesus, no matter how sincere, is actually doing so. We're told in 2 Corinthians 4: 3-4 ... People are blind to the truth, because of the one who directs the course of this world, the great deceiver, Satan the Devil. He is the one who blinds their minds. Many ministers are nice people, great neighbors, and very sincere, but they're blinded to the truth. Jesus explained in Luke 6:39 ... So what is the example Jesus set for us? Don't dismiss this question casually.
The biblical definition of sin:
But unless you know how He lived, how can you know if you are following His example? Don't assume that you know. Many think they know, but do they? Can you, my friends, turn to a scripture that reveals the answer? If you don't know how God defines sin, how can you repent? Have you heard that obedience to God's law is unnecessary, that Christ nailed the commandments to the stake? That all you have to do is "believe in Jesus," but is that what Jesus says? Not according to Luke 6:46... Notice one thing Jesus said, when a young man came to him asking what good thing could he do to have eternal life. Here it is in Matthew 19:17.
The young man then asked which ones. And Jesus responded by listing five of the last six, the ones that teach us how to love our neighbor. Did that mean the other five need not be kept? Not hardly! This young man knew something was missing from his life, and asked a follow-up question, Jesus' answer was not to come up with an 11th commandment. He didn't tell him "I know, they are a real burden." Instead, Jesus pointed the man to the first, don't have another god before the true God; and the tenth, against coveting. Since the young man asked what specific thing, what act he could perform, to gain eternal life, Jesus answered in verse 21... His riches were his god in which he trusted. He coveted wealth and did not want to give it up. The Bible definition of sin is found in 1 John 3:4.
The New Bible Commentary Revised says this about this verse, Have you personally repented of breaking God's law? And we don't mean in a general sense, but very specifically. Have you committed murder by hating someone? Have you ever committed adultery not only in the letter, but also in the spirit or intent of the law. Have you ever been covetous? In other words, have you taken the time to read God's law? Have you meditated on it, and seen where you've come up short? Are you not only sorry for breaking these commands, but determined, with God's help, to turn around and not commit those sins again! We'll continue with two more questions, to determine if you are a true Christian,
This resource goes much further into this subject than I have time to cover in such a short program. According to the Bible, many people think they are Christians, but are deceived by false teachers, who may be very nice people and well meaning, but are themselves deceived by a cunning fallen spirit being. Don't take this subject lightly. We have a loving God who gave us a law to show us how to live. And violation of that law is sin. But try as we might, we all come up short, as affirmed in Romans 3:23, where it says, Further more, the penalty of sin is death, as we read in Romans 6:23.He paid the death penalty for us all because His life is more valuable than all of our lives put together. For the death penalty to be removed, the one seeking to become a true Christian, repents of breaking God's law and puts his faith in Christ's sacrifice to pay for his past sins.
This is a huge subject and I can't cover it all in this program, but remember the question: "Have you accepted the Jesus?" Too many don't know the real Jesus, as we saw earlier in this program. We read from 2 Corinthians chapter 11, that Satan has ministers who come teaching a different Jesus, a different gospel, and have a totally different spirit than the one Paul and the other Apostles had. Some come preaching a "cheap grace," and that Jesus came to do away with His Father's law. They don't preach about the coming kingdom of God, to this earth, as numerous scriptures explain.
They proclaim, "Just believe in Jesus. That's all you have to do! That's it!" But, is it? The Apostle James lays that to rest in chapter 2, and verses 19-20 of the book under his name. Now this leaves us with a choice. We can believe Martin Luther --who called James' letter an epistle of straw-- or we can believe James, the brother of Jesus! Further more, we can believe Luther or we can believe Jesus Himself, who made it clear that the Christian life is one that puts it all on the line. The demand of the Jesus, is sobering! Notice Matthew 10:34-37... In a real sense, this is where the proverbial rubber meets the road.
Do you believe in the Jesus who thought His Father's requirements were too strict, or in the real Jesus who is not playing games? He expects a change of life. He expect us to put Him first above all else in our lives.
My views!
Read this paragraph to know more about the key beliefs of Christianity. Here are the qualities of a true Christian in detail.
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